Saturday, November 1, 2008

Shaylee's Diva DOG Costume

The following photos are of Shaylee in her DOG costume that I made out of two onesies and a pair of tights. Unfortunately many people did not get that she was supposed to be a dog. They said, "Oh what a cute cow!" But here are the questions that beg to be asked: 1. Have you ever seen a cow wearing a shirt? 2. Just how would one put a shirt on a cow? 3. Who walks a cow around on a leash? 4. Can you read, because here T-shirt says "Diva Dog" right on it.
But I guess at least everyone thought that she was cute and once they got that she was a dog thought that it was a cute costume. And in their defense it was dark outside.
Anyway here are the pics, I hope you think she is cute too, and you like her costume.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sixth Picture...

Oh what a cruel world it is!! This is a picture of Shaylee the day we brought her home from the hospital. Apparently she was not happy with being passed around.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Every Princess Needs A Castle

So I got creative yesterday and decided to make two boxes into one castle for Shaylee. The main problem with this idea is...trying to take on such an ambitious task with a one year old is insane! Everything that I taped on she came right along behind me and ripped off laughing all the time. And here I am the "adult" saying "No sweetie mommy is trying to make you a beautiful playhouse." The whole time trying not to get angry, because lets face it, it was kind of funny and in the grand scheme of things would it really matter if the thing didn't get finished. All the while trying to run defense between her and the castle and still manage to complete my "awesome MASTERPIECE". So it turned out looking like a five year old did it, but hey I am still proud that I was able to get it finished and not pull my hair out, because my daughter wanted to demolish it before I had even finished constructing it.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Home Alone.....

So for the very first time since I had Shaylee, I am going to be spending a night all by myself. It feels so weird not having anyone here. I am totally lonely. So, what do I do, clean my car, clean my kitchen, wash my sheets....I think you can see where this is going. Instead of taking my time alone to just relax here I am busier than I am usually after a day that I worked too.
Isn't it so weird that first time after you have a child being away from them for a night? it seems like a piece of you is missing that without you aren't sure what to do for yourself. or maybe it is just me, I don't know.
Well, on the 23rd my baby girl will a year old, a year old, I can't believe that it has been that long, time flys the older you get it seems.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The redecorators.....

The above photos were my idea of redecorating and Shaylee's idea of redecorating. You decide which you think is better!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


They say you should live your life with no regrets. We would all like to say that this is true for us. But sadly, some of us do have the regrets in our past.
Some can say that they have none, others still can say they only have a handful, and then there are some like myself who have more than we care to think about, but sometimes late at night when we can't sleep they creep back to the front of our minds.
Not to go into any great detail on my regrets, which there are many and this is not the place to tell your deepest darkest secrets, I will say a few things...
There is a stretch of my life where I allowed myself to let others determine what I did who I listened to, who my friends could be and what I would do. I am not going to place the blame on anyone except myself, I forgot who I was just so that I would be accepted and feel needed. At the time I knew it was wrong and I was never really happy, but I was afraid to stop letting others determine my lifestyle for me, so I just stayed a shell of myself, until one day when I realized that it had to stop and I needed to grow a backbone and be the person I knew I was meant to be.
I tell you this story to let you know that even though my road has not always been perfect and at times I walked or ran down it with my eyes closed, that there is hope for the future. I chose to stop and open my eyes and really examine who I had become and take back a hold of my life and my destiny. I still don't always make the right choices but I am doing my best to live the rest of my life with no regrets.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

My Hunk

Your 80s Hunk Is

Jason Bateman

A Little Dirt Won't Hurt!

My sister Carrie is always telling people to eat rocks...and although my daughter is too young to know what that means and has never heard her say it, but she sure loves to try it. At first I chased her around and kept pulling the dirt out of her mouth but after awhile I found that it was a useless endeavor. So, I just made sure that she didn't have any rocks in her mouth to go along with the dirt.
Plus, kids eat dirt all the time and that is nothing compared to what one of my nephews did when he was at the crawling around age. He got into a litter box and helped himself to some cat droppings and my sister completely freaked out and made our mother clean him up.
So, I figure dirt is nothing compared to that!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Toddlers laughing in the kitchen.....

As a parent you should know that two or more kids in a room out of site from parents almost always equals trouble. With that being said, I will share my story...
Yesterday, while at my sister's house my daughter and her son who are 10 months old and a two year old were playing together in the kitchen, just out of our line of sight and all of the sudden we hear giggling. So, I ask my sister what do you think they are doing in there? She said probably getting into trouble. We both kind of laugh, but neither of us go in and check on them, after all they sound happy so no need to go upset them and our peace.
A few minutes later my daughter comes crawling into the living room and her face is covered in something white. That is when I start to worry and go into the kitchen to see what they were into. On the floor there is a hospital measuring beaker the my sister uses to warm up her daughter's bottles in, and in the bottom is a white paste like substance. I run out into the living room and show my sister and ask if she thinks they got into soap. She says no I don't have powdered soap. So I start listing thing off like flour and she exclaims Powdered Sugar!!! Because the night before they had crepes for dinner and there had been about a quarter cup of powdered sugar on the counter.
What had happened was, her son had got the beaker with the water down from the island earlier and spilled most of it on the floor and my sister had sat it back up on it's bottom but not put it up out of his reach, because she got distracted. Then the sugar was at a distance she thought was out of his reach on the counter, but as we found out not quite far enough back from the edge. Her son watches her make rolls and bread a lot, so having observed the act of mixing ingredients on multiple occasions, he concocted his own little recipe.
It's funny how much lids pick up from observation that they use when you least expect it.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hello out there in blogland...

You know it's funny I was talking to my sister and we were commenting on how today you can make virtual friends. The funny thing is that there are so many people in the world that 15 or 20 years ago there would have been no way that you could have ever met them, now people go online and make friends all over the world. Most of those friends you may never meet in person, but yet they may make as big of a difference in your life as a friend you see everyday.
I have in my life had the opportunity to travel to different parts of the world and meet people of many different races and cultures, which I think has really opened my eyes and made me appreciate what we have in the U.S. I love to travel and see new things and meet new and interesting people. Which is what I hope to do here with this blog and maybe keep in touch with people that I already now or get back in touch with them if we have lost contact for some reason.
Anyway, I better get this blog up and start posting some pictures.